Friday, April 20, 2012

Skinny Bob Followup

So, after doing some more research I have come to my own conclusions about the Skinny Bob video series.  First though, I'll discuss what it was I found out.  The Zeta Reticuli system mentioned in the first video does indeed exist, but here's where things get a bit odd.  The video says Skinny Bob is from this system, however there is a woman by the name of Nancy Leider who has ran what seems to be a Doomsday cult since the early '90s who claims to  be in contact with these aliens.  I won't go into further details on their beliefs suffice to say they are enough to make anyone's head spin from the crazy.  Needless to say, they endorse the videos fully. 

The main videos to be found on Youtube are released by a group or person who goes by the name 'Discl0sur3'.  Discl0sur3 has been blamed of faking many videos and after looking to see how prolific the name is online, (seems like too much advertising to me), as well as some of the stuff on their wordpress site, I'm not inclined to believe they are a trustworthy source of anything. 

Finally, I mentioned the MJ12 name in relation to a secret group known as Majestic 12 who were assigned by the government to track UFO activity.  The documents relating to the existence of MJ12 have been under close scrutiny, and even though they haven't officially been proven to be fakes, it seems as though most people consider them to be.  I may check back with that later on, but for now, I don't know much more than that about them. 

So, this information to me, only points to the videos being faked.  Granted, some experts have been stumped by them and they are exceedingly well done, but I simply cannot find any evidence to support the idea that they are authentic.  Great job to whoever created them though. 

So, I think my next topic will probably be the Black Eyed Kids, (BEK) phenomena that's been talked about a lot.  Unless of course something more interesting catches my eye or I have investigation material to post.

1 comment:

  1. Some info on Skinny Bob:

    1. Digital camera video of 8mm or 16mm film projection. Film recorded at 16fps
    2. Projector running at 22-24fps throughout all clips, all videos slowed by ~0.55x (÷1.82~)
    2b. See projector sound SET TO 0.5X
    3. Timestamp is from digital camera
    4. Camera brightness constantly changes from bright flashing projector light.
    5. Adjusting brightness also affects timestamp. Line in 6 is a glitch.
    5b. Glitch likely occurs where the 6(and 9) is because it's changing every second.
    5c. Only appears on the 6 and not around it.
    6. Horizontal colored banding indicative of modern camera.
    7. Black bars edited in to hide date and origin but KGB logo still present.
    8. Source of Light in video placed above and slightly behind alien's head

    Originally uploaded by Ivan0135 and re-uploaded by Disclosur3.
